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Deaf Relay Interpreters

When a Deaf client has specific or complex language needs they will need a deaf relay interpreter.

The client requiring a deaf relay interpreter may have learning disabilities, mental health problems or use rare signs or what is sometimes described as “Grassroots Deaf”.

A deaf relay interpreter will ensure that the client fully understands the dialogue being communicated.

Deaf relay interpreters are Deaf language intermediaries for Deaf people who are not fluent in BSL they provide specialised interpreting services for people who do not use BSL as their primary means of communication. They work alongside BSL interpreters.

They adapt what the hearing interpreter is signing into a native variation of BSL for the client together with the client’s response for the interpreter, who in turn translates this response to English for the attending professional.

We ensure that all our communication professionals:

  • Are registered with the NRCPD (National Registers of Communication Professionals for Deaf and Deaf-blind People)
  • Have an up-to-date DBS certificate
  • Have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)

As well as being experienced and professional, our interpreters are friendly and easy to work with too.

Contact us to book an interpreter

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