Deaf-Blind Interpreters
A Deaf-blind Interpreter will assist Deaf-blind clients to communicate in a variety of ways.
People who are Deaf-blind use a range of communication methods, depending on their residual sight and hearing.
We can provide fully trained, experienced and personable interpreters for clients with a range of specialised needs. Whether a client is blind or has a level of residual vision, we are confident that we can support the needs of each individual we work with.
Manual Deaf-blind Interpreter
A Manual Deaf-blind Interpreter touches different parts of a Deaf-blind person’s hands, denoting letters, and in this way spells out words.
We can provide trained manual Deaf-blind interpreters for Deaf-blind individuals who communicate through use of the Deaf-blind Manual Alphabet.
Our specialist interpreters support clients in their communication by interpreting the letters of the Deaf-blind Manual Alphabet formed on their hands by the client and similarly, by forming letters of the Deaf-blind Manual Alphabet on the client’s hands.
Hands-on Deaf-blind Interpreter
A Hands-on Deaf-blind Interpreter places their hands beneath the Deaf-blind person, allowing the latter to follow their movements and the shape of their BSL signs.
We can provide interpreting support for our Deaf-blind clients who use British Sign Language (BSL), to meet the needs of individuals who are fluent in BSL and choose to continue to use the language after complete sight loss.
Our trained, experienced professionals can interpret for Deaf-blind clients through hands on signing. Deaf-blind BSL users work closely with our Deaf-blind interpreters to continue using BSL in a way that works for them.
Visual Frame Deaf-blind Interpreter
A Visual Frame Deaf-blind Interpreter signs on a much smaller scale than for a Deaf person, according to the person’s visual needs. (All BSL interpreters are capable of adapting their signing to accommodate for a Visual Frame request.)
We can provide specialist visual frame signing interpreters for Deaf-blind individuals who have some degree of residual sight.
Our visual frame signing interpreters adapt their signing to work with the client’s area of vision.
Our interpreters are registered with